Getting a group picture with everyone looking at the camera with their eyes open (except Mallie): "priceless"
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tate and Avery got a new kitten they
have named "Sandy".
Sorry it's been so long to blog but our computer went on the fritz and I completely forgot about my blog because my old computer wouldn't allow me on. Anyway, we are all good. Tate finished Kindergarten and Avery is growing quickly. We also started a myspace so you can keep up with pictures there as well. The URL is .
I have always loved taking that perfect picture--not one that is technically perfect, but one that captures the subject or the moment perfectly. Currently, I am specializing in natural light location portraiture where I discuss your family's interest and try to find a great location to capture your own personalities. My goal is to capture your life in prints. For more information, feel free to contact me at 870-897-1609.