Well, after stressing over which picture to order for about a month, I finally decided to bite the bullet and just get one already! I realized that no matter what I got, I could always replace it pretty inexpensively in a few months if it wasn't just right. So here it is! I can't remember which one you each picked. No one picture got way more votes than any other, so I just ended up going with the one I thought showed the most personality and was most natural. I think it looks pretty good if I do say so myself ;)
I also slid in a couple of pictures of Avery that I have liked lately. She and I are having some huge struggles right now. It seems to be a constant "push-pull" with her and we are both learning a lot. It's not always pretty. I feel like I am constantly reminding her who is in charge. I know that doing it now will be easier than doing it when she's 16, but we are both feeling the frustrations. Please be in prayer that we will live through this with my sanity and her spirit intact. At some point, I'll post some pictures of our vacation and give you a little bit of a story. I'm still waiting on some inspiration. I mean, a post about Disney HAS to be a good one, right ;)
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
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