Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer Bible Study Update

Just letting you know that we (Amanda, Kristi, Amy, and I) are starting a summer Bible study tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm at my house. It's not too late if you want to join us either online or at my house! We'd love to have ya! I must tell you that I made one of the recipes tonight and it was a doosie! Took me over an hour just to prepare! It's gonna be good and I was so excited to make it for such a worthy bunch! Get caught up with what we will be doing tomorrow here. Watch Beth's video and get geared up for some good fellowship, fun, and most importantly, God's word!


Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds like a lot of fun. We have ballgames tonight though. But you know the left overs are always welcome here at the office. Ha Ha Oh, no I will not even be here tomorrow.

Hey, I need some info on Amy. I heard this nasty gossip that she is moving or something. I hardly ever get to see her but tell her that I will miss her even more.

Hope ya'll have a great time tonight. I will have to read the book sometime. Do they have it on CD? That always works better for me. LOL. You know how reading makes me angry.


Amanda said...

So excited!!!!